Cappasity (CAPP)

What is Cappasity?
Cappasity has been around for a while. Indeed, it was founded in 2013. But you haven’t heard from this blockchain project because they’ve been developing their AR/VR platform since. And they’ve released it, along with their 3D digitizing software only last year. Also, their cryptocurrency airdrop is coming soon (see below).
So what’s their goal? To provide a comprehensive solution to create content for Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). And ultimately, to make 3D digitizing as easy as photography.
And it seems like it’s already working: Each month the platform serves more than 1,000,000 views of 3D content.
If you’re an e-merchant, take a look at their 3D digitizing solution. Because it’s definitely a good way to boost your conversion rates and significantly decrease the number of returns. How? By letting customers make the right choices and engage emotionally!
CAPP tokens by Cappasity
Cappasity tokens (CAPP) are the very own digital currency of the ecosystem. And they’re ERC-20 ethereum tokens. The team behind the project decided for a native token because their marketplace will operate globally. And it will facilitate C2C (consumer to consumer) exchanges.
Consumers will need to hold CAPP tokens to make digital payments in exchange for AR/VR/3D content. And content makers and developers will receive tokens in exchange for their work.
How to get the free CAPP tokens?
Cappasity is airdropping free CAPP tokens! And you can easily get 5 free Cappasity tokens. But you’ll need to have the Telegram application on your device. And a Telegram account. Because this airdrop is handled by a bot.
Once you’ve installed the app and created an account, visit this page. And message the command /start to the bot, which will give you instructions in return. Don’t worry, everything’s very easy.
First of all, you need to join their Telegram channel (open the channel and click on Join Group). And then you have to register on the Cappasity Token Sale Portal. Just fill in a valid email address and a password. Finally, click on the link Confirm my account in the verification email.
And you’ll receive a message confirmation in Telegram, like “Great to have you aboard! Your balance is 5 Cappasity Tokens.”
Should you want to get more free Cappasity tokens, you can share your unique invite link (available in Telegram). And for every person you invite to their Telegram channel, you’ll get extra 10 CAPP tokens! So send it to your family and to your friends to accumulate as many tokens as possible.